Published inPredictPosthumanity and the Future of Brain-Computer Interface StartupsCompanies have begun declaring human enhancement as the solution to the existential threat posed by artificial intelligence, proclaiming…Dec 7, 20201Dec 7, 20201
A Pandemic RantFragmented thoughts on isolation, identity, and technology in the pandemic-paradigmDec 1, 20201Dec 1, 20201
Does urban-ness affect the spread of COVID?A visualisation examining the factors affecting the spread of COVID-19May 8, 2020May 8, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveHow to prepare for AIThe survival guide to immortality when artificial superintelligence forces us off the balance beam.Apr 29, 20204Apr 29, 20204
Published inThe Empty HandKarate-Do: Politics, Secrecy, and Tradition in the Art of the Empty Hand.Exploring the effect of social and political factors on the development and spread of Shotokan karate.Dec 5, 20191Dec 5, 20191
Published inOneZeroAn Open Letter to NonmillennialsThis is not an excuse, but an explanation of how our tech has shaped usSep 19, 201921Sep 19, 201921
Published inThe Empty HandLetter: Learning to be a Japanese KaratekaThe piece is an adapted letter that I wrote to my Sensei, telling them about my experiences learning karate in Tokyo, and my subsequent…Jul 24, 2019Jul 24, 2019
Published inHackerNoon.comCapitalism, Happiness, AI, Kylie Jenner and the Human Condition.Welcome to a radical, unrefined stream of consciousness.Jan 24, 2019Jan 24, 2019
Published inHackerNoon.comAI’s Biggest Crime Yet — Stealing the Freedom of Human ExpressionUnderstanding what constitutes Art, what it means to the human experience, and the consequences of Superintelligence on the freedom of…May 6, 20182May 6, 20182
Published inHackerNoon.comThe Questions We’re Going to be Asking When Artificial Intelligence Takes OverAn overview of the economic and social quandaries that are likely to dominate our working-memory in the forthcoming years.Feb 11, 2018Feb 11, 2018